Cute Bunnies Free Pattern

CUTE BUNNİES FREE ENGLİSH PATTERN Hello amigurumi lovers … I share this cute bunny’s pattern with you in English 🙂 I would like thank to @amili_toys owner of the pattern that allows to share. English Translation  @samyelidesign MATERIALS:*Himalaya Dolphin baby*hook: 4 mm*12 mm eyes*For face shaping fine black yarn*fiberfill ABBREVİATİONS:st: stitchch: chain — lookmr: magic ringle — looksc: single crochet — lookinc: 2 sc in…

Amigurumi Crochet Bunny Patterns

Beautiful amigurumi crochet toy models will share a model that I think you will enjoy again. You will love the amigurumi rabbit models where your kids will enjoy playing games Now we will share bunny amigurumi crochet patterns models. I wish you pleasant knits…. All Best Amigurumi Crochet Bunny Patterns Amigurumi Bunny Patterns 100 Amigurumi Crochet Bunnies Patterns Amigurumi Bunny…


10 Amigurumi Crochet Dog Free Patterns

10 Pcs each other beautiful amigurumi crochet dog free patterns. In this article we will share the best amigurumi toy dog models. 10. Amigurumi Dog Pattern ( Amigurumi Perro Dog) 9. Amigurumi Dog Pattern (Henry The Houng Amigurumi Dog) 8. Amigurumi Dog Pattern ( Amigurumi Max Pattern) 7. Amigurumi Dog Pattern (…