Amigurumi Pineapple Purse

***You can purchase an INEXPENSIVE AD-FREE PDF of this pattern on Etsy HERE and on Craftsy HERE!  This beautifully formatted PDF includes the step-by-step pictures and is a total of 4 pages including the cover page!  There is also a kit available on the Lion Brand Site, and you can make TWO purses with one kit HERE! I love how versatile crochet is as one…

Pattern: Despicable Me Minion

Pattern: Despicable Me Minion

Note: I worked in continuous rounds (vs. joined rounds).  I strongly recommend checking out my blog post here to see step-by-step photos and accompanying descriptions if you are attempting to make this minion.  This pattern is quite intricate and is recommended for those with some amigurumi experience (not a beginner’s project).  It takes some time to crochet…